The Substack Branding Bundle

It’s all fun and games setting up a new publication until you realise how many little graphics and elements you need, and there are zero ready-made Substack templates, or even blank canvases out there to use.

Until now.

From your wordmark to your email header to your very own customisable Substack icon & MORE, we’ve created a blank canvas for everything you need to get your publication looking beautiful.

When we say *canvas* we mean these aren’t templates, but correct image sizes as provided within Substack. While there are a couple of examples in there and you’re welcome to play and make your own, it’s merely to get the sparks of inspiration zapping. And now they’re in the right size for you there’s no need to faff about finding the right dimensions or creating 7 different versions while you try and get it to work (Wait, was it SubstackBannerFinal3.jpg or SubstackBannerFinalFINAL.jpg that you just edited?).

In the bundle you’ll find a got a good-to-go canvas for it all, each easily editable and completely customisable with a free Canva account.

we’ve created a walkthrough video too, showing you how it all works with ideas and inspiration plus a sneak peek of what’s coming up next from us both.

The Substack branding bundle is completely free!

We just ask that you if you would like to share it, just send them over here so they subscribe and download it themselves and we can high-five them personally.

Note: You can use a free Canva account to do everything except for the option to save your designs with a clear background, which is a premium feature. If you’re a free user, we recommend downloading your designs from Canva and then using an additional tool like this to create the same result. Thanks to Aimee and Krista for the heads up on this!

Also, please note the fonts shared in this bundle are not all free options from Canva. Some we have purchased and hold licence to, so please check and only use fonts you have purchased or are freely available within Canva. Where possible we have locked fonts and elements so infringement doesn’t occur.

Update: Welcome screens, (or your cover photo) now support GIFs! Hurray!

Enjoy & make sure you let us know how you’re using them so we can come and see!

Sara & Keeley

PS: We’ve had a few queries about where to find the photography used, these are almost all our own images. Sara’s a little bit handy with a camera. And K likes to play pretend photographer.

The Substack Branding Bundle
833KB ∙ PDF file