Hurrah! You’re officially on the exclusive guest list or our Substack Soirée!
Make yourself at home - grab a c/mocktail, throw a record on and relax.
We’re busy putting the finishing touches to our special gathering together, but if you have any questions while you’re waiting, just ring the bell for the butler (aka, drop us an email at:
Most of all, we’re just so excited to have you with us.
You should next hear from us via email shortly, so make sure you’ve added the Substack Soiree to your ‘whitelist’, and that our emails via Substack aren’t hiding somewhere in a spam folder or similar.
We’ll start a private thread soon so we can all get properly acquainted. Make sure you jump in and pop a reply introducing yourself and telling us about why you’re here. We can’t wait to get to know you better!